full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Johan Rockström: 5 transformational policies for a prosperous and sustainable world

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, this riureqes us to step back one step. I think we have to ask ourselves some hard questions: Do we have any cchnae of accomplishing the Sustainable Development glaos by 2030? Are there actually inherent trade-offs that are not compatible with our current development paradigm? But are there, perhaps, synergies where we can really accelerate change? And is it really a people-planet agenda, really taking seriously the social and economic aspirational goals within the life-support systems on eatrh?

Open Cloze

Now, this ________ us to step back one step. I think we have to ask ourselves some hard questions: Do we have any ______ of accomplishing the Sustainable Development _____ by 2030? Are there actually inherent trade-offs that are not compatible with our current development paradigm? But are there, perhaps, synergies where we can really accelerate change? And is it really a people-planet agenda, really taking seriously the social and economic aspirational goals within the life-support systems on _____?


  1. chance
  2. goals
  3. requires
  4. earth

Original Text

Now, this requires us to step back one step. I think we have to ask ourselves some hard questions: Do we have any chance of accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030? Are there actually inherent trade-offs that are not compatible with our current development paradigm? But are there, perhaps, synergies where we can really accelerate change? And is it really a people-planet agenda, really taking seriously the social and economic aspirational goals within the life-support systems on earth?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
safe operating 10
operating space 10
sustainable development 9
earth system 7
development goals 6
stable earth 4
economic growth 3
planetary boundaries 3
good human 2
tipping points 2
start thinking 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
safe operating space 9
sustainable development goals 6
stable earth system 3

Important Words

  1. accelerate
  2. accomplishing
  3. agenda
  4. aspirational
  5. chance
  6. change
  7. compatible
  8. current
  9. development
  10. earth
  11. economic
  12. goals
  13. hard
  14. inherent
  15. paradigm
  16. requires
  17. social
  18. step
  19. sustainable
  20. synergies
  21. systems